Legal Guardianship For Special Needs Child

Legal Guardianship For Special Needs Child

Legal Guardianship for Special Needs Child in New York For parents of children with special needs in New York, ensuring the well-being and protection of your child’s future is paramount. One legal avenue for parents is obtaining legal guardianship for their special needs child. At Morgan Legal Group in New York City, we specialize in […]

Understanding A Health Care Proxy

Health Care Proxy

Health Care Proxy in the State of New York Planning for medical care during times of incapacity is a crucial aspect of comprehensive estate planning. In the State of New York, a health care proxy is a legal document that allows you to designate a trusted individual to make medical decisions on your behalf if […]

Home Transfers And Retained Life Estates

Home Transfers And Retained Life Estates

Home Transfers and Retained Life Estates in NYC Transferring property is a significant decision, and in New York City, it’s essential to explore various options available to homeowners. One such option is a retained life estate, which allows individuals to transfer their property while retaining the right to live in it for the rest of […]

How Does The Probate Process Work, And How Can I Avoid It In NYC?

Understanding the Probate Process and Avoiding It

Understanding the Probate Process and Avoiding It in NYC The probate process is a legal procedure used to validate and administer the estate of a deceased individual in New York City. While probate is designed to ensure the orderly distribution of assets, it can be time-consuming and costly. In this comprehensive guide presented by Morgan […]

What Type Of Lawyer Is Best For Wills In New York?

Lawyer for Wills

Choosing the Right Lawyer for Wills in New York Creating a last will and testament is crucial to responsible estate planning. A well-drafted will ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your passing, providing peace of mind for you and financial security for your loved ones. However, when it comes to […]

Can I Put My House In Trust For My Children?

Putting Your House in Trust for Your Children

Putting Your House in Trust for Your Children in NYC As a responsible homeowner and parent, you want to ensure that your children have a secure and comfortable future. One way to achieve this goal and protect your most significant asset, your home, is by putting it in trust for your children. In this guide, […]

What Are The Four Must-Have Documents In Estate Planning In New York?

The Four Must-Have Documents in Estate Planning

The Four Must-Have Documents in Estate Planning in New York Estate planning is a crucial process that ensures your assets are protected, and your wishes are honored in the event of your incapacity or passing. Like in many other states, four essential documents should be part of your comprehensive estate plan in New York. At […]

How Much Is A Small Estate In NYC?

A Small Estate

How Much Is a Small Estate? Understanding the classification of estates can be crucial when dealing with the complexities of probate and estate planning. In New York City, the size of an estate can significantly impact the probate process and the associated legal requirements. At Morgan Legal Group, we frequently assist individuals in managing estates […]